Our Services

At Sarah Maag Massage Therapy we add a 15-minute buffer on each appointment to allow for thoughtful conversation and assessment of needs in order to maximize time on the table and make sure techniques are chosen that will make the most lasting results on your soft tissues.

Therapeutic Massage

60-min Massage


Great option for general maintenance or when you have one problem area you want to address.

Lunch-Break 35-min Massage


Perfect for the day when you wake with a crick in your neck, but don’t have time to slip in a 60-min session.

75-min Massage


The session you should book if you have two nagging spots you want to address or would like to doze off.

90-min Massage


Best option for finding respite from high anxiety as well as chronic pain and complex injury rehab.

Perinatal Massage

Prenatal | Postpartum | New Parent


Whether you are growing a little human, recently gave birth, or are trying to navigate the early months of child-rearing, this massage session will focus attention on the new and changing strain put on your body.

We will ask questions specific to your new and changing daily activities as well as drastic shifts in your body and sleep rhythms.

Note: Home-visits can be scheduled for existing clients who are early postpartum or are partner to an early postpartum parent.